The State of the Used Car Industry - Winter 2024
One of the vital cogs to the Cherokee Media Group conferences in recent years has been the addition of M&A/buy-sell analysis content, plus insights from the investment community.
As the used-car industry continues to evolve, each area of that ecosystem — including retail, wholesale, finance and collections and recoveries — has been impacted by M&A, buy-sell and consolidation, along with a growing importance of the investment community’s role in related technology and startups within those fields.
In a continuation of those topics explored at CMG’s live events, this whitepaper will explore the impact of buy-sell, investment and consolidation on these four key segments of the used-car ecosystem.

A New Age of Digital Buying & Selling
The wholesale and retail segments of the automotive industry are shifting toward an increasingly digital future that seems poised to blend online and brick-and-mortar operations.
Want to better understand this trend?
Read our three-part report for data, insights, best practices and more.